One Suite of software - every aspect of your business.


IBMS Update v4.3.34 - 31/01/2014

Work Order - Added new "Client Details" & "Office Notes" fields

IBMS Update v4.3.32 - 22/01/2014

CRM - Updates CRM Module.

IBMS Update v4.3.30 - 24/12/2013

Time Sheets - Further improvements to the performance in this section.

IBMS Update v4.3.29 - 15/11/2013

Purchase Orders - Optomised queries to improve performance.
Purchase Invoice Approvals - Restricted list of Email addresses to only show users who have a PO limit of more than zero.
Reports - Fixed bug when running a report from the favorites tab.

IBMS Update v4.3.24 - 29/10/2013

Time sheets  - Updated performace in TImesheets section.
Work Orders - Added option to limit period to 6 months
Purchase Orders - Added option to limit period to 6 months

IBMS Update v4.3.23 - 24/10/2013
Work Orders - Added Work Order SLA's

IBMS Update v4.3.18 - 01/10/2013

Work Orders - Added SLA options to work order section

Purchase Order & Purchase Invoice Receipts- Updated the format of the PO & PI Authorisation request emails.
Purchase Order & Purchase Invoice Receipts- Added a new "REVIEW ONLINE" feature to Authorisation request emails.

IBMS Update v4.3.2 - 01/08/2013

DMS Import / Purchase Invoices - You are now able to setup the system so that when you enter PI's you must also enter the gross value as well.

IBMS Update v4.2.99 - 25/07/2013

CRM - Created new CRM Contacts section within the CRM section. This can be enabled on a per user basis.

IBMS Update v4.2.94 - 09/07/2013

Suppliers- You are now able to setup a supplier so that the the VAT amount is not applied automatically.

Purchase Orders- You are now able to setup the system so that when you enter PI's you must also enter the gross value as well.

IBMS Update v4.2.91 - 03/06/2013

Job sheets - Enable the user to edit the “Job Sheet Analysis Details”.
PO & PI Authorization Emails - The encoding in the subject line has been changed to use “!” instead of “#” characters as these were not getting correctly interpreted on iPhones correctly.

IBMS Update v4.2.90 - 28/05/2013

Reports - Fixed problem with Reports / Attach to DMS

IBMS Update v4.2.85 - 05/04/2013

Periodicals - You can now create a schedule for contracts of type “Task by Site”.

IBMS Update v4.2.80 - 20/02/2013

Purchase Orders - There is a new field in PO’s called “PO Checked” . This is an information field that if it is checked by the user is automatically unchecked in a PI is added, editing or deleted against a PO.
Purchase Invoices - You can only enter a PI with a date of 7 days in the future.
Work Orders - If you create a “Work Order Additional Detail” in preferences that starts with an asterix “*” they will get added to new work orders automatically.

IBMS Update v4.2.70 - 12/11/2012

Periodical Asset Schedules - Extend periodical asset schedules to support additional information used in the SFG/20 schedules.

Purchase Invoices - Add new option in preferences to enable/disable Purchase Invoice authorisation.

IBMS Update v4.2.69 - 01/11/2012

Reports - You are now able to define report groups in preferences. This enables you to limit which reports are available to individual users.

IBMS Update v4.2.63 - 28/08/2012

PI Export - New status column added which details if a PI with the same supplier reference exists.

PI Export - If purchase order authorisation is enabled and the purchase invoice has a status of “N/A” the export flag defaults to “No”.

PI Approval - Updated the PI approval email to show more details.

Helpdesk - Added new “Incident to View” option, “Incidents Not Closed”.

IBMS Update v4.2.61 - 09/08/2012

Helpdesk - If you have the "Helpdesk Incident Online" facility the system will automatically create the URL link to the helpdesk incident.

IBMS Update v4.2.59 - 14/06/2012

DMS - You are now able select multiple DMS documents from any section and click email. All of the selected documents are added as attachments to the email.
DMS - Emails sent from DMS are now sent as HTML emails.
Periodical Invoices - The sequencing of “Invoice creation” to “Mark as Invoiced” has been changed to resolve a problem where schedule are not getting marked are invoiced occasionally.

IBMS Update v4.2.58 - 03/05/2012

Peridoicals - Increase size of asset reference to 50 chars

Peridoicals - Increase size of asset description to 100 chars

IBMS Update v4.2.57 - 24/04/2012

Suppliers - Added two new fields, “No of employees” & “Business type”

Periodicals - Added a new “Create schedule” feature, this allows the user to create a recurring sequence of visits across the year for an asset.

Purchase orders - if you “Reset authorisation” you are now able to choose if you want to reset the PO number or not.

Work Orders - Added new “Copy” work order button.

Sites - You can now paste the Site Name & Address details when adding a new site, when you have previously clicked the “Copy” button against a site or client.

Clients - You can now paste the Client Name & Address details when adding a new client, when you have previously clicked the “Copy” button against a client or site.

IBMS Update v4.2.55 - 22/03/2012

Periodicals - You are now able to set the invoice nominal code on a per contract basis.

Periodicals - You are now able to set a retention % against a contract.

Periodicals - You are now able to create an invoice schedule with the type "Application payment"

Employees - You are now able to assign a cost centre to the locations that an employee is based at.

Employees - You are now able to "auto create" timesheets based on an employees hours/work location.

Workorder/Invoices - You are now able to "Generate" an invoice not just "Generate & Print"

IBMS Update v4.2.53 - 09/01/2012

User Access - You can now setup specific users so that they only have access to specific clients.
IBMS Update v4.2.49 - 30/01/2011

Periodicals - A new option has been added to periodical contracts "Auto create appointments".

  •             This option will autocreate an appointment for any work orders that are created.
  •             The appiointments are assigned to the same engineer as the work order.
  •             No appintment is created if an engineer cannot be assigned.

Audits - A new audit module has been created in IBMS.

IBMS Update v4.2.45 - 14/11/2011

HR - A new preference has been added to allow you to select a HR access level on a per user basis. Currently HR Access level is either “Full Access” or “Holiday & Absence Only”.
Employees - A new field called “Sickness Entitlement” has been added to the “Absence & Holiday” tab. The system also shows a summary of sickness taken.

IBMS Update v4.2.45 - 04/10/2011

Work order Appointments - You are now able to select “Skip Weekends” when booking appointments.

Work order Products - The products tab has been updated so you can add & update products in the grid.

IBMS Update v4.2.43 - 29/09/2011

My Reports - The reports module in IBMS now supports a new feature called “My reports”. This allows you to pick any report from any section in IBMS and add them to your list of favourite reports. Any report that has been selected as a favourite report can have the report name and a description modified to make it easier to identify what details a report provides.

IBMS Update v4.2.42 - 27/09/2011

Sites / Additional details - If you add an “Additional detail” and include an asterix (*) in the “value” field when you create a new work order against the site the “Notes” field of the “Additional details” are displayed as an alert.

Work orders / Variations - Variations can now have a status set against them. They are “Approved”, “Applied for” and “Declined”. The default status is “Approved”.

Helpdesk - Add new “Copy” incident function.

Clients/Sites/Suppliers - Add new login access level function.

Employees - Add new field to support Web login functionality for employees.

Employee Logs - You are now able to create and record employee training logs.

Purchase orders - You can now associate purchase orders with vehicles.

News & Updates screen - Added a new button to copy news & updates to the paste buffer.

Work orders - Added a new preference to set the default “period search”.

Purchase orders - Added a new preference to set the default “period search”.

Purchase orders - Added a new option “Reset authorisation”. This option allows you to reset the authorisation level back to “New” so that you can adjust the PO value and re-request the authorisation. It should be noted that you cannot “reset” the authorisation level for PO that have invoices posted against them or if you authorisation level is less than £5000.00

IBMS Update v4.2.37 - 11/08/2011

Periodicals - Updated invoice tab so that invoice type is now shown in the grid.

Periodicals - Updated “Create invoice schedule” do that you can now create the scheduled invoices as type “Manual”.

Periodicals - New preference “Set reminder to contract manager” on Periodicals tab. When ticked only the renewals will only show where the contract manager is the logged in user.

Periodicals - Added new statuses “Expired” and “Cancelled”.

Periodicals - Change status “Inactive” to “Completed”.

IBMS Update v4.2.36 - 09/08/2011

Periodicals - You are now able to associate an unlimited number of images with each assets / tasks for Periodical contracts of type “Asset”. Images must be of type “JPEG”.
Clients & Sites - The system now automatically checks that client & site references are unique and will not allow you to save a client or site with a unique reference.

IBMS Update v4.2.35 - 04/07/2011

Helpdesk - The list grid of helpdesk incidents has now been updated so you can sort and filter by any of the column headings. The column headings for “Assigned to” and “Manager” have also been added.
Helpdesk - The “list all active actions” has been updated so you can sort and filter by any of the column headings.

IBMS Update v4.2.27 - 27/06/2011

Work Orders - The history tab now shows periodical assets/tasks associated with the work order.

Work Orders - When you save a work order the filter & query preferences are not reset. This can be changed back by “ticking” the “Reset search after save” in Work order preferences.

Work Orders, Quotes, Helpdesk - The details box grows automatically if maximise the IBMS window.

IBMS - The main form cannot be resized to less than the default size.

Purchase order - You are now able to search for both Purchase Order & Purchase Invoice Status.

IBMS Update v4.2.21 - 11/05/2011

DMS - You are now able to change the document list order by clicking on the Column headings. The default sort order is the “Document Date”. You can also filter by any of the column heading as well.

IBMS Update v4.2.15 - 04/05/2011

Minor updates & bugs fixes.

IBMS Update v4.2.12 - 08/04/2011

DMS - You can now “Drag & Drop” files into DMS. From the main document management screen you can drop single documents onto the document list.

IBMS Update v4.2.11 - 05/04/2011

Helpdesk - When updating a Helpdesk incident you can now email the Helpdesk incident manager and/or the employee who the incident is assigned too with a single button click.
Helpdesk - When updating a Helpdesk incident you can change the incident group and/or the category

IBMS Update v4.2.9 - 01/04/2011

Vehicles - If you create an employee group called “Vehicle Managers”  the system will only allow users who have access to the Vehicle section to see their own Vehicle. Only members of the employee group “Vehicle Managers” , system administrators or the system set “Vehicle Manager” can see all Vehicles.

IBMS Update v4.2.8 - 31/03/2011

Auto update - IBMS now checks if you are running the latest update and prompts you to automatically install the latest version if you are not.
News & Updates - You can now see all IBMS news & update information by clicking on the system icon in the top left corner of the IBMS main window and selecting "IBMS News & Updates" from the drop down menu.
Technical Support - You can now access the Saphire technical support web site directly from IBMS by clicking in the top left corner of the IBMS main window and selecting "Technical Support" from the drop down menu.
Enhanced Work order search - The work orders grid has been updated to allow you to sort the work order list by any of the column headings, create you own unique searches, or group work orders by any of the column headings.
Work order export - You can now export the work order details currently on display to Excel by clicking the new "Export" button.
Work order colour coding - Work orders are now colour coded based on the appointment status. You can also search by appointment status as well.
Red - Overdue
Green - Completed
Pink - Scheduled
Yellow - Follow on required
Blue - Picked up by engineer (only applicable if you are using IBMS:Lite)
Work order colour coding - Work orders reference are now colour coded on the work order grid based on the appointment status. You can also search by appointment status as well.

Work orders - By default the system now shows work orders raised in the last 2 years. This can be changed using a drop-down on the query bar at the top of the screen.
Purchase orders - By default the system now shows purchase orders raised in the last 2 years. This can be changed using a drop-down on the query bar at the top of the screen.
Purchase Order DMS Documents - Any DMS documents that are associated with a Purchase order (Scanned in purchase invoices for example) can now be seen against the Work order that is associated with the Purchase order.
Employee absence & Holidays - The employee & absence section in IBMS is now “hard linked” to the diary. So, if you add a holiday in the employee section it adds that to the diary, if you then change any of the holiday details or remove it all together the diary is updated automatically.

Sage Developer Program - Saphire Computers Ltd is now a full accredited Sage Developer.
IBMS:SageLink - We have launched our IBMS:SageLink application this week. IBMS:SageLink does away with the need to Export Sales & Purchase Invoices from IBMS and manually Importing them into Sage as it directly interfaces with both IBMS and Sage. IBMS:SageLink supports Sage Accounts 2008 right through to the latest version Sage Account 2011. Please contact us to get full details and prices.

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